
يوم جديد – كورونا والعلاج عن بعد

يوم جديد – كورونا والعلاج عن بعد مع د. حنينا أبي نادر اختصاصي في الطب العام والوقاية Telemedicine is a synchronous nonclinical share of medical information between patient and his doctor. It started in psychiatry mostly year 1999 and primary care in year 2009. This health care service creates an important trust bond connection for a easy, affordable and from distance (from home sessions to avoid traffic) telehealth way. Rural areas are mostly in need sometimes. Audio with video is through zoom and skype mostly, session can be recorded. Surveillance of the patient health condition and follow up is important. Less exposure to some viruses at the hospital with less ER surge are key (preserve hospital ER capacity). Most of nowadays urgent cases are related to Covid topic. Another form of benefit is the caregiver with the nurse triage. Managing chronic diseases (accepting the disease), reminders and tasks all helps the patient education and makes him more compliant at ease. Longitudinal care and identifying early symptoms is important. Some cases might require the clinic. Guidance and optimization of using guidelines are advised by the physician. This reduce the cost and make us gain time (a 40mn session can be made before a travel to an outside appointment). Available now on hanina838 skype (03944331) anywhere in the world. #OTVLebanon
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