
يوم جديد – Health resolutions for the New Year

يوم جديد – Health resolutions for the New Year مع اختصاصية في الطب الوقائي د. ليلى لحود رشدان Health resolutions for the New Year
Dr Layla Lahoud
Yawm jdid December 15, 2020 1- Sit less and move more. Make it easy to stay active:
– Take the stairs – Short daily walks (outdoor helps better fighting anger, confusion, depression)
– Stretching (touch toes every morning)
– Set fitness mini-goals – Be gentle with yourself
– 2- Organize and grow your mind:
– Read one book per month
– Drink more water Drink water first thing in morning. Stop buying plastic bottles. Buy a BPA-free bottle to drink water – Go to therapy (importance of mental health)
– Replace negative speak with positive speak
– Clean your closets
– Book your medical check-ups
– Daily meditation – 3- Food:
– Eat more whole foods, easy to prepare food, homemade fresh food
– Plan ahead of time – Cut back on sweetened beverages – Stock snacks for breakfast and stock our freezer for dinner
– Avoid starvation
– One egg per day
– Eat something small before going out for dinner
– 4- Keep your phone away (airplane mode, away from your bed at night, remove social media applications from phone or laptob, restrict time spent on social media, decrease screen time) 5- Sleep hygiene: get more quality sleep . Night alcohol 90 or 120 min away from bedtime. 6- Skin and hair: grooming holidays Take one week off every 4 or 5 weeks.

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