
يوم جديد – أيقونة الموضة

يوم جديد – أيقونة الموضة مع Fashion Consultant جوي داغر Women in entertainment, modeling, and politics have influenced both street and runway style, establishing them as our modern tastemakers.
Women like Princess Diana who started with a trend that is still ongoing and trendy like statment sleeves or like wearing your accesories diffrently. Grace Kelly is known for her red lipstick and pearl with her outfits. On the other hand Katharina Hepburn was the first woman to wear menswear.
Jackie O for example introduced the world to clean lines and homegrown American fashion when she became first lady . Madonna designed her own style, from underwear-as-outerwear to layered costume jewelry, for her performances in the '80s and '90s. #OTVLebanon
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