
يوم جديد – الادمان على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي

يوم جديد – الادمان على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي موضوع اللقاء مع المدربة الحياتية المتخصصة في السلوك البشري والبرمجة اللغوية العصبية هاسميك دانيال Everyone is an Addict. We live in the age of addiction. Our brain is wired to become addicted . It is a time of unbridled desire and reckless overconsumption. Addicts seem to be everywhere.
As per DSM , addiction can be related to substances , Impulse Control Disorders and behaviors that most of us are engaged to . Like Food , chocolate , caffeine , sex , shopping , video games , internet , exercising , working and so on . Can we be cured ? I personally believe the cure is healing the cause that led the person escape towards a temporary pleasure . I believe it’s essential to work with an addicted person on 3 important factors : Motivation , Beliefs and emotions which leads to self acceptance . Above all the most important factor is the human connection which is mandatory to support the person. I strongly insist that the pleasure we get by connecting with people is greater than the pleasure judging them . #OTVLebanon
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