
يوم جديد – التسوّق حسب شكل الجسم

يوم جديد – التسوّق حسب شكل الجسم مع جوي داغر مستشارة موضة There are few things better than finding an outfit that flatters your figure. The thing is, if you don’t understand why certain things look great on you, it can be hard to keep finding new favorites. In actuality, it’s very simple, it all boils down to body shape. Once you learn how to dress for your body type, it’s amazing how easy it is to build a wardrobe you love to wear. Watch to discover what body type you have and find the best clothes for your body type. While there are many different body shapes out there, most women align with one of five: apple, pear, hourglass, inverted triangle, or rectangle. If you’re curvy with a less defined waist, you’re likely an apple shape (also known as a circle or round body type). If your hips are broader than your shoulders, you’re likely a pear shape (also known as a triangle body type). If your shoulders and hips are fairly balanced and you have a defined waist, you’re likely an hourglass shape. If your shoulders are broader than your hips, you’re likely an inverted triangle. If your four measurements are fairly uniform and you have a straighter build, you’re likely a rectangle. #يوم_جديد
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