
يوم جديد – الثياب المناسبة للمقابلة

يوم جديد – الثياب المناسبة للمقابلة مع Fashion Consultant جوي داغر The first impression means a lot so dress accordingly to impress but make sure your outfit doesn’t disturb the interviewer in any way possible.
In general, a job interview calls for you to wear professional, or business, attire. For men, this might mean a suit jacket and slacks with a shirt and tie or a sweater and button-down. For women, a blouse and dress pants or a statement dress is appropriate.
But it all depends on the position you are applying to.
You can go from buissness formal to buisness casual to casual.
What not to wear is also so important:
Flip flops!
Crop top
Skirt with short length Distracted jeans Body peircing
A lot of makeup! #OTVLebanon
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