
يوم جديد – السيلوليت

يوم جديد – السيلوليت مع الاختصاصية في الطب الوقائي د. ليلى لحود رشدان Anti-aging challenges
OTV Thursday April 15, 2021 Most challenging things to treat in anti-aging medicine are: hair loss, neck aging, cellulite and dark eye circles. Hair health is dependent on a healthy nutrition and good hair hygiene habits and a daily routine hair care.
The role of genetic testing in hair loss: to uncover one of four most common causes of hair loss in both men and women. Neck skin aging is best prevented with Botox and fine threads. Filler use and threads reserved for advanced untreated neck skin sagging and wrinkling. Threads work by potentiating the patient’s own collagen as with aging both collagen quality and quantity are jeopardized. Cellulite is a common problem in women in thighs and buttocks areas. It is due to the accumulation of fat inside adipose cells and formation of fibrous bands between these cells which leads to the peau d’orange skin appearance.
Drinking water, walking, and healthy nutrition free of toxins are all key in cellulite prevention. Once cellulite is pronounced, it is a multimodal therapeutic approach that works best: caffeine-rich cream, machines that break the fibrous bands and activate blood circulation. Dark eye circles appear when under eye skin is thinned out and blood vessels start showing underneath. Hygiene is key: drinking water, good sleep, avoiding screens and avoiding stress. Mesotherapy using cell therapy is also an effective option. #OTVLebanon
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