
يوم جديد – تأثير فيروس كورونا على الكلى

Covid 19 is the new virus that belongs to the family of coronaviruses that affects the respiratory system. Clinical research has discovered that it attacks also many other organs and it is responsible for extrapulmonary complications. The most common organs to be affected by the virus are the heart and kidneys. The kidneys are similar to filters, they screen out toxins, extra water and waste products from the body.
The patients who are suffering from chronic renal diseases are more affected by corona virus due to their low immunity. In hospitalized patients with covid-19, we noticed that 30 to 35% developed moderate to severe kidneys injuries enough to require dialyses, specially the patients who have AHT (arterial hypertension) & diabetes. How does Covid 19 damage the kidneys? The virus could damage the kidneys through few mechanisms: – The virus targets the kidneys cells directly. – Malfunction induced by hypoxia (little oxygen). – The body reaction to the infection and produces protein to defend itself (called cytokine storm) & these protein can cause inflammation of kidney tissues.
– The virus produces blood clots that might obstructs the small kidneys vessels. Will the kidneys recover from covid 19? If the infected patient has had healthy kidneys, the recovery will be almost total, nevertheless it will be slow. The patient who has had chronic renal disease could recover partially, however, they may not recover fully and stay on hemodialysis.
After recovery, we noticed some kidney problem in filtration rate and proteinuria. Many centers and doctors reported many cases of hypertension after Corona. #OTVLebanon
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