
يوم جديد – تأثير كورونا على القلب والكبد والكلى

يوم جديد – تأثير كورونا على القلب والكبد والكلى مع د.حنينا أبي نادر – طب عام ووقاية Covid cause type 2 alveolar cells damage of the lungs. The brain to toe is under possible inflammatory response also. Inflammation spurs clotting form as White blood cells fights (interact with platelets and and activate infection with possible infectious and sepsis). Hypercoagulable state is followed by D dimers and fibrinogen. Brain hemorrhage is possible but ischemic stroke presented with delirium and Encephalopathy is seen. Smoking, diabetes, dyslipidemia and overweight are all risks. Corona weaken the muscles of the heart and cause an emboli or myocardial infarction. Decreased blood pressure could be due to expanded blood vessels. High blood pressure can be seen before being severely ill. It could cause diarrhea like other stomach flu. The virus also crawls along the nervous system. The kidney can have damage to its waste filtering. Response from person differs depending on ACE2 receptors (differ from person to person due to genetics and can cause variability in symptoms from person to person). Man are more prone to die than women probably due to estrogen protective factor. In children, watch for fever up to 3 weeks after infection to rule out possible multiple inflammatory syndrome. Hanina Abi Nader on LinkedIn and Dr. Hanina Facebook and instagram. Contact cell: 03944331 #يوم_جديد
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