
يوم جديد – Positive NO

يوم جديد – Positive NO مع مدربة حياة متخصصة في السلوك البشري والبرمجة اللغوية العصبية هاسميك دانيل Many people are afraid to say no. Why? There could be many reasons why you’re uncomfortable turning others down, but it mostly stems back to our need to make the people around us feel happy and cared for. It can be challenging to say no, because you feel like you’re directly insulting or hurting the people around you. The thing is, this couldn’t be further from the truth. You have the right to say no in any situation, be it the reply to a request from a coworker, family member or romantic partner. At the end of the day, you’re the one who gets to decide how to spend your time, and that’s where the power of saying no comes into play.
On the other hand I believe the power of a Positive No is much more effective. Yes without no is satisfying others and destroying yourself .
No without yes is war. Yes is the key word for the community whereas no is for individuality .
Yes is to connection ,no for protection Yes to peace no is for justice .
I believe that the wisdom is to integrate to learn the two .That is the secret to standing up to yourself and keep your relationships healthy . #OTVLebanon
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